'Slumber Parties distributors kicked-up their heels at the 2006 Annual Training. At this western-themed hoedown, hundreds of ladies hungry for success attended classes in selling, recruiting and booking parties. Successful distributors hosted theses classes and gave their fellow Slumber Sisters all their secrets to success. Distributors were blown away by the lingerie shopping room, which displayed never-ending racks of super sexy lingerie, perfect to spice up the relationships of all shapes and sizes of women. As usual, Slumber Parties made sure to remind attending distributors why their job is known as \"fun and rewarding.\" Equipped with toy guns and holsters, Slumber Sisters line-danced the night away, played a few rounds of cards and attended a welcome party in the \"Slumber Ranch Suite.\" And of course, Slumber Parties had to put the wild, wild in west by giving away amazing prizes such as a new boat and a shopping spree in New York.'
Tags: fun , Party , Train , training , night , out , parties , distributors , Girls' , slumber
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