'10 Sewing Patterns for Autumn | Including Three Free Patterns!'

'10 Sewing Patterns for Autumn | Including Three Free Patterns!'
11:08 Apr 15, 2024
'This week I am sharing my top 10 sewing pattern ideas for autumnal sewing. The first five are patterns I have sewn and love layering up in the autumn to stay nice and warm as the weather cools down. The last five patterns are ones I think would be great to sew for autumn and I look forward to adding some of these to my wardrobe soon! What are your favourite things to sew during the transition from summer to autumn? Do share them in the comments below!   Thanks so much for watching and have a wonderful week!   Amelia x   Today I am wearing the Deer and Doe Orchidee dress. https://shop.deer-and-doe.fr/en/sewing-patterns/108-orchidee-dress-pattern.html I made it in a yarn dyed gingham from Minerva. https://www.minerva.com/mp/1193886/9mm-yarn-dyed-100-cotton-gingham-fabric-sky-blue&variant=1131220   1. Rosery Apparel Hazel Dress https://www.roseryapparel.com/hazel   2. Friday Pattern Company Davenport Dress https://fridaypatterncompany.com/collections/all-patterns/products/davenport-dress-pdf-pattern   3. Nina Lee Camden Pinafore/Skirt https://www.ninalee.co.uk/shop/camden-printed-sewing-pattern/   4. Megan Nielsen Brumby Skirt https://megannielsen.com/products/brumby-skirt-sewing-pattern   5. Tilly and the Buttons Billie sweatshirt and dress https://www.tillyandthebuttons.com/p/billie.html   6. Liberty Thea Boho Sleeve Shirt https://www.fabricgodmother.co.uk/liberty-thea-boho-sleeve-shirt-intermediate/   7. Sew Over It Niamh Skirt https://sewoverit.com/product/niamh-skirt-pdf-sewing-pattern/   8. Milton Pinafore – (FREE) Just Patterns and Peppermint Magazine https://peppermintmag.com/sewing-school/milton-pinafore/   9. Mood Patterns Aster Pants (FREE) https://www.moodfabrics.com/blog/the-aster-pants-free-sewing-pattern/   10. Viki Sews Nikki (FREE) https://vikisews.com/vykrojki/hoodies-tops-sweaters/nikki-sweatshirt/   11. Megan Nielsen Hovea Jacket and Coat https://megannielsen.com/products/hovea-jacket-coat-pattern   Music Credit: Autumn in Prague, Matt Large – Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/yXOFDxfFvO/   Sound effects - Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/' 

Tags: sewing , free sewing patterns , sewing vlog , sewing vlogger , free patterns , free sewing patterns for beginners , free sewing patterns to download , sew amelia , sewing patterns for autumn , AUTUMN SEWING , sewing patterns for fall , fall sewing , autumn sewing patterns , fall sewing patterns , autumn sewing plans , fall sewing plans , fall sewing projects

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