'What\'s up my gorillas! The custom matchmaking code is youngjdr, and use code YoungJDR in the item shop. We may get the new Alien Skin coming in the next week! Be sure to subscribe if you are a real gorilla, and if you are a silver back then turn on notifications and like the stream! Show some support by donating :) https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=mHYV_AEP4B3RHar0e0gc6K8HQerhcMPsQ8J1WHmSNzeKOcKmjDhsrbPE7rDqu-Obkn9eCW&country.x=US&locale.x=US Social Media: Instagram- theyoungjdr tik tok- youngjdr twitter- young_jdr twitch- youngjdr #Fortnite #ItemShop #fortniteitemshop LIVE FORTNITE CUSTOM MATCHMAKING AND FASHION SHOWS! NEW ALIEN SKIN LIVE FORTNITE CUSTOM MATCHMAKING AND FASHION SHOWS! NEW ALIEN SKIN LIVE FORTNITE CUSTOM MATCHMAKING AND FASHION SHOWS! NEW ALIEN SKIN Fortniteitemshop livefortniteitemshop fortnitelive fortniteliveitemshop fortnite item shop,fortnite item shop today,item shop fortnite,item shop,item shop today,item shop fortnite today,fortnite item shop right now,fortnite,fortnite battle royale,live item shop,fortnite item shop live,fortnite chapter 2,fortnite new,new item shop,fortnite funny,fortnite new item shop,item shop fortnite now,item shop fortnite live,fortnite commentary,fortnite item shop today live,item shop live,item shop right now,new item shop fortnite,fortnite item shop no clickbait'
Tags: item shop , xenomorph , fortnite fashion shows , fortnite custom matchmaking , live fortnite , fortnite item shop , alien skin , fortnite item shop live , item shop live , live item shop , live fortnite item shop , live fortnite custom matchmaking , live fortnite fashion shows
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