'http://www.thinkgeek.com/fashion-week?cpg=yt Not everybody can make it to New York Fashion Week, and maybe not everybody wants to. Here at ThinkGeek, in the fabulous Fairfax, Virginia, we\'ve gathered together some of our newest apparel to show our ready-to-wear Spring-Summer-Fall-Winter 2015 collection highlights (because we don\'t believe in seasonality - you can wear a hoodie to a cold theater in the middle of summer). So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Music by Computer Music All-stars \"Lazy All The Days\" http://www.cmallstars.com/ How to further stalk ThinkGeek: http://twitter.com/thinkgeek http://facebook.com/thinkgeek http://plus.google.com/+thinkgeek http://pinterest.com/thinkgeek'
Tags: fashion week , Fashion (Industry) , star trek , superhero , think , Fashion Show (Film Subject) , geek , polo , guardians of the galaxy , Star Wars (Film Series) , Captain America (Comic Book Character) , Starlord , batman (comic book character) , gotg , high five , winter solider , the winter solider , tng , thinkgeek , ThinkGeek (Website) , Stormtrooper (Fictional Character) , Flash (Comic Book Character) , Green Lantern (Fictional Character) , Superman (Comic Book Character)
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