'Backstage and Highlights shoot from Street Fashion Week (SFW) New York City 2018 Street Fashion Week: http://www.Instagram.com/streetfashionweek_ DESIGNER\'S INDASHIA HERITAGE AMERICA MALANSKI SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS PHREE ART INDIGO PROVIDENCE FADED NYC MAKEUP/HAIR NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF BEAUTY (NYIB) Instagram - http://www.Instagram.com/NYIB VIDEO BY - Tshering La (Sam) Website http://www.tsphotosandvideos.com Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/tsheringsamfilms Fashion Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/tsheringsamphotos Personal Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/tsheringsamfilms Gears Used- Canon 6D Mark II Camera Canon 70-200 f/2.8MM Final Cut Pro X Handheld Shot Music - https://player.epidemicsound.com'
Tags: fashion , newyork , nyc , NYFW , 2018 , fashionweek , Photographer , Fashionworld , Videographer , Bhutanese , streetfashionweek
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