09:53 Aug 19, 2022
'THUMBS UP FOR MORE CHALLENGES! Which ones do you want to see?!  *GET READY WITH ME: CLASSIC GLAM +KKW REVIEW & GIVEAWAY https://youtu.be/V1s7ZXPKT68 *I CUT MY OWN HAIR! https://youtu.be/67ts0xgn7Lw *SAYING GOODBYE TO FRIZZY HAIR! https://youtu.be/LC677AtOX0E *GETTING MY EYEBROWS MICROBLADED! https://youtu.be/42wnzviU6tY  ----------------------------------------­­­------------------------------------- HIII!!! Today I transform my best friend (for over 16 years) into ME!! We have always been told we looked alike through the years so when I saw this challenge going around youtube I HAD TO TRY IT!! Do you think we look alike!? What other challenges do you want to see on my channel!? Sorry for the delay on this! I forgot my microphone in LA so the voiceover sounded horrible and I redid it today. I love you guys SO MUCH!   *IF ANYONE IN THE NJ / NY / PA area want the best spray tan on the east coast email my muffin @ glowbynicole@gmail.com !! She comes to you!   I watched NIKKIE TUTORIALS & BEAUTY VIXXEN do this and had to try it out! They inspired todays challenge!!  SEEN ON US: BODY GLOW: http://bit.ly/2soMkFf TOP: FOREVER21 http://bit.ly/2trYXjQ CINDY/BEAR NECKLACES: http://bit.ly/2sUtfYx CHAKRA NECKLACES: http://bit.ly/2th9lqs EARRINGS: 20% off code: carlixoxo http://bit.ly/2tjK7qN  PRODUCTS USED IN ORDER: KRYOLAN PRIMER http://amzn.to/2t7NlCC FIONA STILES FOUNDATION #5 http://bit.ly/2mvvCjv BEAUTY BLENDER http://bit.ly/2mvAftW GRAFTOBIAN COOL PALETTE http://bit.ly/2uEn9iC NARS MATTE CONCEALER MACADAMIA http://bit.ly/2jk6snv TARTE SHAPE TAPE LT MED http://bit.ly/2mvGkGL TARTE BRUSH http://bit.ly/2sjFnVE KAT VON D SETTING POWDER http://bit.ly/2noZ7kB ABH BROW WIZ EBONY: http://bit.ly/1QsWolp ABH BROW POWDER EBONY: http://bit.ly/1sMiJSs KVD SHADE & LIGHT: http://bit.ly/1STVAmw KKW DARK CONTOUR for lips  KVD POWDER FOUNDATION http://bit.ly/2sjpheT CARLI BYBEL DELUXE EDITION PALETTE http://bit.ly/CARLIBYBEL EYELINER http://bit.ly/2sjle25 LASHES http://amzn.to/2uc86fe MASCARA http://bit.ly/2sjcoRL BH NUDE BLUSH PALETTE http://bit.ly/1SjGWJB COLOURPOP CHI $5 OFF: http://bit.ly/2ukxvka COLOURPOP Times Square $5 OFF: http://bit.ly/2uKsBkE COVER FX MATTE SETTING SPRAY http://bit.ly/2udNgwS  WHAT MAKEUP BRUSHES DO I USE?? https://youtu.be/0cw0xYQG-_8  HAIR; BROWN HAIR COLOR SPRAY http://amzn.to/2ucudCs *I\'m Not wearing any hair extensions in this video BUT the BEST Hair Extensions on the Market (i\'ve tried them all) are Bellami Hair Extensions | Code: Carlibel55 for $$ off here: http://bit.ly/1qoooMp  (MOO IS WEARING 24 inch set in 1c!) ----------------------------------------­­­­­------------------------------------­-  *SEND ME LETTERS!! BEAUTY BY CARLI BYBEL 450 SHREWSBURY PLAZA #303 SHREWSBURY, NJ 07702  Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CarliBel http://www.instagram.com/TheFashionBybel - My Fashion Page for OOTD http://www.instagram.com/glowbynicole  Follow me on SNAPCHAT! CarliPenguin5  Come check out my beauty page for quotes & love! http://www.facebook.com/beautybycarli   Disclaimer: this video is not sponsored. Some links may be affiliate links XOX' 

Tags: fashion , beauty , challenge , Jaclyn Hill , get ready with me , full face makeup , kkw beauty review , MORPHE , KKW Beauty , transform , best friend , twins , transforming , inner , carli bybel , carlibel , bybel , nikkie tutorials , carlibybel , carlibel55 , cream contour , contour highlight , best friend into me , turn best friend into you , twin makeup , make eyes appear larger

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