!['SWTOR: Ahsoka Tano Jedi Outfits (5 Various Looks) [SWTOR Fashion Guide]'](https://cdn-img01.24fashionchannel.com/images/58-m/788/788065.jpg)
'Look like Ahsoka Tano with this SWTOR Jedi armor guide. A fashion guide inspired by various TV show appearances. These SWTOR outfits are recommended for a female Togruta when creating a female Jedi knight class or female Jedi consular class. These are a good option to use for female Jedi armor. My Outfits: https://www.swtorfashion.com/o/931df0c8-7c19-4d88-bad9-68322561b351/padawan-ahsoka-tano-clone-wars-s1-2 https://www.swtorfashion.com/o/931df387-392f-4919-80e5-ec0d01e2573a/ahsoka-tano-clone-wars-s3-6 https://www.swtorfashion.com/o/931dee07-9522-450f-a1ef-351e171b9c32/casual-ahsoka-clone-wars-s7 https://www.swtorfashion.com/o/931df254-3d5a-4eda-b251-3ce1e7f56348/commander-ahsoka-tano-clone-wars-s7 https://www.swtorfashion.com/o/931de8fc-ee41-4e1b-9af5-eeec0590d310/ahsoka-tano-the-mandalorian If you would like to support my content for as little as $1 per month then please check out my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/IllevaSWTOR . If you enjoyed this video then don\'t forget to hit that Subscribe button, please give it a thumbs up and let me know in the comments. Social Links: My website: https://www.illeva.com Watch me live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/IllevaSWTOR Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IllevaSWTOR Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/IllevaSWTOR Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/illevaswtor/ Intro and outro made by Paul Jackson Creative. #swtor #Ahsoka'
Tags: Star Wars , star wars the old republic , swtor , swtor fashion , Ahsoka Tano , swtor outfits , swtor armor , swtor 2021 , illeva , illevagaming , swtor jedi armor , swtor jedi , swtor jedi knight , swtor jedi consular , swtor ahsoka tano , swtor female jedi , swtor female jedi armor , swtor female jedi knight , swtor female jedi knight armor , swtor female jedi consular , swtor female jedi consular armor
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