'Strength Training : Performing the Barbell Bench Press with Global Fitness Institute Perhaps the most popular of all upper body compound exercises, the bench press is often the most commonly used point of reference exercise for comparing strength. With its prime movers being the Pectorals, and assistance from the deltoids and triceps, it forms our classic \'push\' exercise. Visit our webpage - www.globalfitness.edu.au Please like and Share our channel Instructions • Position body supine on bench, eyes slightly in front of the bar and feet on the ground UNLESS bench height leads to excessive lordosis • Grip width on bar should be so forearms are parallel to each other • Lift bar off rack and position bar above chin / neck and stabilise scapulae • Lower the weight under control towards the mid chest / nipple line, keeping forearms under the bar and elbows tracking slightly forward • Gently touch the bar on the chest and return to starting position by pushing the bar upwards and slightly backwards Teaching Points • Stabilise body: feet on ground, scapulae tight, head on bench • Bar moves in a curved path from chin at top to mid chest at bottom • Keep forearms under the bar and elbows slightly forward during movement Common Errors • Bar too far down the body at start or during movement • Elbows flare out to side, shoulders hunch up during movement • Head comes off bench • Grip is too narrow / wide on the bar Global Fitness Institute (RTO21793) delivers, not only Fitness courses, but a whole range of Nationally recognized certificate and diploma courses across Australia including: Fitness Instructor course Personal Training Courses, Sports Coaching Course Sports Development Course Business course Nutrition and Dietetics course First Aid courses Global Fitness Institute also delivers the unique and exclusive Global Trainer ™ bundled programs, saving you up $2500 on each. Fitness Coaching Global Trainer ™ Sports Nutrition Global Trainer ™ Sports Business Global Trainer ™ Fitness Business Global Trainer ™ Fitness Nutrition Global Trainer ™ As a Global Trainer ™, you are armed with a collection of Nationally recognized qualifications and skill sets that will give you the edge in a very competitive environment. Check out our Jobs Board and see the types of jobs our Global Trainer ™ options may open up for you. GFI will arm you with the knowledge and skills to help you unlock your potential one be the best you that you can be. Don’t settle with being just another PT, but aim to become a respected leader in your industry. you can learn to Be your own boss with a Global Fitness Industry qualification. Our staff are highly regarded in their fields, both locally and internationally, with the right mix of formal academic qualifications and real world industry experience and well documented levels of success. As one of Australia’s leading online course providers, you can study at your own pace. With competitive pricing and flexible payment plans, Global Fitness Institute is the place to kickstart your health and fitness career. Our Global Fitness Institute Jobs Board will assist you get a head start on your new career, by to identifying great employment opportunities in the Sports, Recreation, Health or Fitness Industries. Personal Training Courses & Fitness Courses As our name suggests, Global Fitness Institute specializes in Personal Training courses and Fitness Instructor courses . For those people looking to save over $1000, you might consider doing our Personal Training Course Combo , which includes both Certificate III in Fitness & Certificate IV in Fitness. We offer a flexible approach to learning, including online fitness courses. Reading material, video resources and interactive practical tasks are accessible online, allowing to you study from home, at school, or even on vacation. Students can attend scheduled practical workshops and assessment sessions, or book in for 1-on-1 sessions, where they can take advantage of the experience of our quality facilitators. GFI is highly regarded and our graduates are in demand from our industry partners, who constantly seek us out with employment offers. This is a testament to the quality of training and advice you get from the team at Global Fitness Institute.'
Tags: gym , chest workout , strength training , weight training , gym exercises , cables , cable flyes , flyes
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