'Green Day - Know Your Enemy (RARE UNRELEASED video!)'

'Green Day - Know Your Enemy (RARE UNRELEASED video!)'
03:00 Jul 13, 2024
'This is the a rare unreleased video that was being worked on prior to the official vid to this fantastic song from the legendary Green Day.  It\'s different, and it seems unfinished because it is they had some other idea before going with what you see in the official video.  Don\'t know what it is?  Check it out!' 

Tags: usa , life , green , day , Breakdown , History , for , enemy , Your , park , american , Obama , century , punk , armstrong , AMV , President , Joe , Bush , idiot , kerry , know , kramer , billie , 21st , linkin , palin , ICP , Juggalo

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