!['[FFXIV] Alice in Eorzea'](https://cdn-img01.24fashionchannel.com/images/58-m/991/991544.jpg)
'Hi, we made this videos in october 2015 and had a lot of fun while recording it. Maybe an outtakevideo will follow... we\'ll see. For now please enjoy our Eorzea Version of Alice ♥ Music in this Video: All rights to Yakety Sax: Benny Hill Theme All rights to Square Enix: FFXIV OST Sylph Theme ( A Curious Breed of Botherment ) FFXIV OST Sylphs of Little Solace Theme ( Flibbertigibbet ) FFXIV OST Outdoor Housing Ward FFXIV OST Magitek Armor Terra\'s Theme ( Magiteknical Difficulties ) SFX used (from youtube): Sound Effects for Shock _ Best Audio Quality- Shock Sound Effect Metal Gear Solid - Exclamation Point Sound Effect 23 FOOTSTEPS Looping Sound Pack Cartoon Slow Falling Sound Effect Jump_Sound Effect Test Running On Grass Sound Effect Cartoon Jump Sound Effect'
Tags: funny , game , games , Play , moments , Soundtrack , online , let's play , alice , Alice in Wonderland , funny moments , bunny , rabbit , sandling , mmorpg , Square Enix , FFXIV , Final Fantasy 14 , final Fantasy , Lalafell , Eorzea , white rabbit , Alice im Wunderland , ffxiv ost , Ostwald , red queen , Ul'dah , final fantasy iv , Lima Lominsa , Vergessene Oase , Mc Twisp , Cheshirecat , Miko'te , Coerthas , Sylph , Wilde Stämme , Gridania , Sylphenland , Goldtatzen , Halmling , Alice Outfit , Benny Hill Theme , Funny run music
See also: