'Go behind the scenes with Malan Breton and our 6 stunning models, as they are photographed for the cover of British THOUGHTS at the beautiful Ingress Abbey, in UK. Still haven’t subscribed to British THOUGHTS on YouTube? ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcSd10qf8uE8o9P6WLz9xlA * A MASSIVE THANK YOU GOES TO THE TEAM BEHIND THIS PRODUCTION * photographer - Zainea A Emanuel cover model - Misty Bailey cover model - Harriadnie Beau cover model - Edika Sadunaite cover model - Lili Rich cover model - Ruoyi cover model - Marinela Martens Creative Director - Darion Mills Fashion stylist - Elodie Fromenteau Makeup Artst - Zara Almusawe Makeup Artist - Viorela Calota HS&ArtDirector - Cesar Galeano Bts Photographer - Alex Coman Soundtrack Singer - Vanna Vee Set Supervisor - Alexandru Hosu Location - Ingress Abbey Special Thanks - Irene Major - \"The Queen Of Ingress\" Special Thanks - Auragoldwatersuk Film Producer - Marian Pustiu * www.britishthoughts.uk *'
Tags: fashion , beauty , Lifestyle , makeup , magazine , Dresses , art , celebrities , hollywood , spring summer , Behind the Scenes , Haute Couture , oldschool , photography , Celeb , artists , making of , top models , hairstyling , Castle , makingof , MALAN BRETON , oldfashion , british thoughts , cover photoshoot , ingress abbey , irene major , queen of ingress
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