'Thumbs up for more Get Ready with Me Videos :) Goodniiightttsy xoxo *Palette UPDATE @ 4:50 *Make sure to sign up here for my palette!! http://bit.ly/CARLIBYBEL **Anyone who signs up via email will be receiving palettes before it goes back in stock on the site! XO **My FAVORITE Makeup Brushes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFiT4mZB5F8 *Get Ready with Me: My GO TO Look! https://youtu.be/TeIdsBi1GbA **Makeup Mistakes to Avoid +Tips for a Flawless Face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lruXBzjMzsM For all details & pictures check out my blog: http://www.thebeautybybel.com/2015/10/get-ready-with-me-simple-daytime-glam.html *Sorry this isn\'t the most creative look. I wanted to keep it (fairly) simple for today :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi beauties!! I missed you all! Seriously though! Today I wanted to sit down and film a full makeup and hair video for you guys. Sorry for the lack of videos last week. I explain where I have been in this video for those who were wondering!! I hope you enjoy this (fairly) simple look! I love dramatic looks but sometimes a simple look is just as good. I do plan on filming at least 1 or 2 Halloween videos this year. It has been hard to set aside time but I promise to make time before Halloween! Everything is really crazy right now family wise.. so bare with me. This is the first time our family has dealt with something like this in a few years. Thank you for all your love, prayers and constant support. You have NO idea how much it all means to me. Seriously. I love you guys SO friggin much. XOXO Carli Books I mentioned/love: *The Untethored Soul by Michael Singer *The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer Products Used: Dr Brandt Pores No More Primer http://bit.ly/1K4MELd Niod Photography Fluid: http://bit.ly/1OghUcR Koh Gen Do Foundation in #143 http://bit.ly/1MLLCpL Cover FX Custom Color Drops N40 http://bit.ly/1LAHffv Beauty Blender Pro http://bit.ly/1Ar2xGh WL Brow Bar in Ebony 35% off: carli http://bit.ly/1b8G2gh LA Girl Conceal Beautiful Bronze http://amzn.to/1P7T6iZ Laura Mercier High Cover Concealer #3 http://bit.ly/1RcCj0E Illamasqua Heroine eye shadow for nose Laura Mercier Brightening Powder http://bit.ly/1JwSxP0 Tarte Brush - I can\'t find it online! NARS Contour Shade in Olympia http://bit.ly/1MpWwvT NARS PRO PALETTE: http://bit.ly/1jftw2C Kat Von D: Black Tattoo eyeliner http://bit.ly/1yNWTfB Red Cherry WSP Lash http://amzn.to/1OvDg5Y *CARLI BYBEL PALETTE: http://bit.ly/CARLIBYBEL L\'oreal Telescopic Mascara http://amzn.to/153Bj4U NARS Contour Shade in Olympia & Paloma http://bit.ly/1MpWwvT NARS Blush in Angelika & Desire http://bit.ly/1LAIjQF Sigma Eyeliner http://sigma-beauty.7eer.net/c/57018/153230/2835?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sigmabeauty.com%2Feye-liner%2Fp%2FPARENTEL2 10% off with code; CARLI10 Estee Lauder lip pencil in Rose http://bit.ly/1HwzAgp Milani Lipstick in Pretty Natural http://amzn.to/1VRL9BV Milani Lipstick in Nude Creme http://amzn.to/1OvD9HH Hair: Bellami 12 in 1 Curler! Code: carli12in1 takes $420 off HERE Morrocan Sea Salt Spray http://bit.ly/1LKFqIj *I\'m not wearing any hair extensions in this video BUT the BEST Hair Extensions on the Market (i\'ve tried them all) are Bellami Hair Extensions | Code: Carlibel55 for $$ off here: http://bit.ly/1qoooMp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SEND ME LETTERS!! BEAUTY BY CARLI BYBEL 450 SHREWSBURY PLAZA #303 SHREWSBURY, NJ 07702 *Make sure to subscribe to Brett\'s new fitness channel!!!! http://www.youtube.com/brettcap Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CarliBel http://www.instagram.com/TheFashionBybel - My Fashion Page for OOTD Follow me on SNAPCHAT! CarliPenguin5 Come check out my beauty page for quotes & love! http://www.facebook.com/beautybycarli Disclaimer: this video is not sponsored. Some links may be affiliate links XOX'
Tags: fashion , beauty , tutorial , makeup , kylie jenner , grwm , look , get ready with me , kim kardashian , contour , night , Eye , highlight , kylie jenner lips , Simple makeup , simple glam , Date Night , night out makeup , carlibel , bybel , fall makeup look , daytime makeup , carlibybel , carlibel55 , contour and highlight routine , kylie jenner app , innerbeautybybel , makeupbyariel , Hrush , kim kardashian contour , lunch date , current foundation routine , kylie jenner contour , jaclyn hill contur , simple daytime glam
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