'LaSalle College Vancouver @ Vancouver Fashion Week March 2018'

21:19 Aug 18, 2022
'LaSalle College Vancouver offers Bachelor Degrees and Diploma programs with a concentration in the applied arts.  Specifically the areas of Fashion, Design, Media Arts, and Culinary Arts. The Vancouver campus also offers on-line training programs in Interior Design, Fashion Marketing, Video Game 3D Modelling, and Administrative Assistant.   The college is accredited by BC’s Private Career Training Institutions Agency (PCTIA) and is a member of the LCI Education network composed of 23 campuses on 5 continents, offering high-quality post-secondary education in Vancouver for over 10 years. Among the many advantages, students are able to enjoy opportunities to study abroad from one week to one semester at a selection of the network’s campuses, including Montreal, Bogota, Istanbul, Jakarta and Barcelona.  Find Out More: http://bit.ly/16NYzfS Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaSalleCollegeVancouver?fref=ts Join us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lci_vancouver Join us on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/lcivancouver/ Join us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/lasallevancouver Join us on FourSquare: https://foursquare.com/v/lasalle-college/4b6731a7f964a520a1402be3?fbLoginFailed=true' 

Tags: fashion , fashion designer , fashion week , Lasalle College , lasalle college vancouver , fashion school vancouver , lci education , post-secondary education , art school vancouver , eco fashion , Vancouver Fashion Week

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