'** Tracing using long nails and stroking page / hand movements over magazine pages with whispering commentary. Using Rola, Japanese fashion and beauty model and talent\'s photobook to create this relaxation and sleep therapy asmr. Some tapping sounds, stroking sounds, page turning sounds and soft whispering. ** HAI FWENDS I have another magazine video for you this week, using this cute Japanese fashion and beauty magazine. I whisper a lot with my own commentary and musings of each page we look at. Hope you enjoy OH AND if you\'re reading this, tell me what countries you would like to travel to :3 Or which countries you enjoyed visiting :3 I wants to know and Rola just speaks travels to me for some reason hehe Enjoy my Communiyty Let\'s be internet friends :3 https://www.instagram.com/the_uniy https://twitter.com/the_uniy https://www.snapchat.com/add/ajamyjean https://web.facebook.com/thecommuniyty (I post the week\'s video on FB 12 hours earlier than on YT, so if you wanna watch it sooner then check it out on fb and come say hai!) https://nz.pinterest.com/the_uniy/ https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/59231631-uniy VLOG Channel (the uniy vlogs)! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH84jhu3zsPiSU59DGkRRUg'
Tags: ENTERTAINMENT , asmr , soft whispers , whispering , relaxation , page turning , gentle whispering , whispering asmr , sleep therapy , whispersred asmr , uniys asmr , uniy asmr , magazine tracing , magazine turning , magazine tracing asmr , gentlewhispering asmr , asmr magic
See also: