'Thumbs up for more random vlogs :D Part two from last week will be up by Wednesday :) *CARLIBYBELxMISSGUIDED RESTOCK IS NOW LIVE Limited Edition: http://bit.ly/CBMG2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi my loves! The past 3 weeks have been crazy with construction in my house! So loud and tons of people in and out all day. It\'s been really hard to get anything done work wise so I decided to do daily vlogs starting on September 2! I knew I wouldn\'t be able to get my regular videos up so I wanted to have something to put up for you guys! Everything is taking longer than expected so we are hoping for it all to be done by Saturday of this week. Everything is gong really good this time around so I\'m really happy! Once this is done the hardest parts are over! HALLELUJAH! I wanted to chat with you guys and fill you in on whats been going on. I hope you enjoy! Let me know if there is anything else specific you want me to include in these videos. I love you guys so much!!! Thank you for all your love and support - it means the world to me. XOXOXO Carli RECENT VLOGS JAMAICA: https://youtu.be/thIyznNZ-qg ULTA MEETUP: https://youtu.be/SnP_6p_1rzc MAY 2016: https://youtu.be/mKmT0qT1-0w JAN 2016: https://youtu.be/1eLmwIxi2-s FOLLOW ME AROUND: https://youtu.be/97RLTv2Qbrk DEC 2015: https://youtu.be/DgLhx4PXYf0 9.2.16: CAR: Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT MY VLOG CAMERA: http://bit.ly/2EGj4My SUNNIES: http://bit.ly/2cgQdWv DRESS: OOS http://bit.ly/2cnmGXW LADY ANTEBELLUM RADIO ON PANDORA :) SHELL NECKLACE: http://bit.ly/2cnmEiO GRAY TOP: http://bit.ly/2cnnNqO LIPSTICK: Brooklyn by Amra 9.3.16 SUNNIES: http://bit.ly/2crJKWx Starbucks drink: Iced Soy Chai Black Choker Code: Carli10 for 10% off here http://bit.ly/2c6RnCy 9.4.16 Puma Sweatpants: http://bit.ly/2cnpxAo 9.5.16 Apricot Seads http://amzn.to/2cSPqqQ Choker Code: Carli10 for 10% off here: http://bit.ly/2bSAnyr Top: OOS http://bit.ly/2cnmGXW Lips: Gerard liquid lips in Invasion & Skinny Dip code: carli3for35 to get 3 lipsticks for $35 http://www.gerardcosmetics.com Sephora Mini Haul: Beauty Blender http://bit.ly/2cgUwkI Beauty Blender Cleaner http://bit.ly/2cnnuMy Lock it Foundation Deep 74 http://bit.ly/2cgTKUD & Med 57 http://bit.ly/2cgTKUD Cover FX Acne Primer http://bit.ly/2cgUqcI Project Chimps Lipstick KVD http://bit.ly/2cnnFrc Nars Radiant Concealers: http://bit.ly/2cnoccS Cover Fx Cream Foundation: http://bit.ly/2cgTfdv PINK LEGGINGS: http://bit.ly/2cnpCnv PINK SPORTS BRA: http://bit.ly/2cgV2Pv RAY BAN SUNNIES: http://bit.ly/2cnpRiv Sushi: Asparagus cucumber & scallion rolls and one avocado cucumber and scallion roll! YUM! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SEND ME LETTERS!! BEAUTY BY CARLI BYBEL 450 SHREWSBURY PLAZA #303 SHREWSBURY, NJ 07702 *Make sure to subscribe to Brett\'s new fitness channel!!!! http://www.youtube.com/brettcap Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CarliBel http://www.instagram.com/TheFashionBybel - My Fashion Page for OOTD Follow me on SNAPCHAT! CarliPenguin5 Come check out my beauty page for quotes & love! http://www.facebook.com/beautybycarli Disclaimer: this video is not sponsored. Some links may be affiliate links XOX'
Tags: fashion , beauty , Lifestyle , kylie jenner , vlog , Jeffree Star , NikkieTutorials , follow me , highlight and contour , follow me around , lip injections , carlibel , bybel , Nicole Guerriero , carlibybel , carlibel55 , brettcap , carli bybel vlog , carli bybel lip injections
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