'Designer Malan Breton with Model Net Ch on the red carpet at Style Fashion Week in Los Angeles, CA'

02:16 Jul 7, 2022
'Newyorkfashiontimes.com interviews Designer Malan Breton with Model Net Ch on the red carpet at Style Fashion Week in Los Angeles, CA March 2017 at the Pacific Design Center.          Net is wearing a Malan Breton piece from Malan\'s runway show: A water color print with an Asian influence. The piece is made of silk organza.          Music for his show was in three chapters, one for each show location:  Los Angeles, NYC, and London. Malan explains this trilogy tells us of the journey of women.   Designer Malan Breton IG @malanbreton Model Net Ch IG @anet1205  YouTube  @NewYorkFashionTimes   IG @nyftimes www.newyorkfashiontimes.com  If you like our content, please subscribe, and donate on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nyftimes it helps us get more videos to you.  We cannot monetize some of these videos due to restrictions on YT.' 

Tags: model , red carpet , silk , new york fashion , style fashion week , newyorkfashiontimes , new york fashion times , newyorkfashiontimes.com , pacific design center , stylefw , MALAN BRETON , nyft.co , malanbreton , net ch , anet1205

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