'Thumbs up for all of You ❤️ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi my loves!! Happy Friday !! SORRY for the reupload. I posted for the first time to my YT story and accidentally posted to my real channel. When I made this video public it wasn\'t sent to anyones subscription feeds! Lets try this again!!! XO Carli SENDING SO MUCH LOVE :) WHO LOVES PODCASTS!?? Cant wait to get ours up & running for you guys! leave comments below on ideas for us! SURPRISE GIVEAWAY DETAILS! 1 winner will receive: -my brand new anastasia Beverly Hills palette signed -my full il Makiage lip collection -big mystery box of makeup & skincare -1: 3 month life & success coaching package w/ Amanda -1: 1 session with Brett on financial planning / advice HOW TO ENTER: 1. THUMBS UP THIS VIDEO 2. SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL & https://www.youtube.com/user/InnerBeautyBybel 3. FOLLOW US ON IG @CARLIBEL @INNERBEAUTYBYBEL 4. COMMENT BELOW \'done\' along with ONE THING YOU LOVE ABOUT YOURSELF THATS IT :) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tags: life , advice , podcast , life update , q&a , cheating , Break ups , career , carlibel , carli , bybel , carlibel55 , relationship advice , new boyfriend , amanda bybel , mandajyll , INNER BEAUTY BYBEL
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