'YOU\'RE BEAUTIFUL. *LAST DAY TO GET MY PALETTE FOR $19.50!!! SALE ENDS AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! HERE: http://www.pranavabeauty.com OR HERE: http://bit.ly/CARLIBYBEL *ALSO LAST DAY TO GET MY CHARITY BRACELETS 50% OFF! http://www.pranavabeauty.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIIIIII :D I missed you guys :) It\'s been awhile since I challenged myself to a quick makeover! It was fun creating this 15 minute makeup for you guys!! I have been doing this routine a lot the past few weeks. It\'s super simple and lightweight on your skin! This is for the days you want to wear makeup - but you don\'t want it to take forever. I hope this helps!! Love you guys so much XO SEEN ON ME: NICE IS THE NEW COOL: http://bit.ly/2rZaW7g HAT http://bit.ly/2rZPVZS PRODUCTS USED: NYX PORE FILLER: http://bit.ly/2rYQinr BEAUTY BLENDER http://bit.ly/2mvAftW FIONA STILES FOUNDATION #5 http://bit.ly/2mvvCjv TARTE MERMAID DROPS COMING SOON TARTE SHAPE TAPE MED http://bit.ly/2mvGkGL KAT VON D SETTING POWDER http://bit.ly/2noZ7kB ABH BROW WIZ GRANITE http://bit.ly/1QsWolp *CARLI BYBEL DELUXE EDITION PALETTE: http://www.pranavabeauty.com KVD SHADE & LIGHT: http://bit.ly/1STVAmw NYX MASCARA http://bit.ly/2l2EIRk MILANI BAKED BRONZER CHRISSY TEIGANXBECCA http://bit.ly/2rfUsX2 NYX PEEK A BOO NATURAL http://bit.ly/2rYO7At COLOURPOP CHI: $5 OFF: http://bit.ly/2ukxvka GLAM GLOW SPRAY http://bit.ly/2rgiJwh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SEND ME LETTERS!! BEAUTY BY CARLI BYBEL 450 SHREWSBURY PLAZA #303 SHREWSBURY, NJ 07702 Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CarliBel http://www.instagram.com/TheFashionBybel - My Fashion Page for OOTD http://www.instagram.com/pranavabeauty Follow me on SNAPCHAT! @CarliPenguin5 Come say hi on Twitter: @CarliBybel *Make sure to subscribe to Brett\'s fitness channel!!!! http://www.youtube.com/brettcap Disclaimer: this video is NOT sponsored. I was not paid in any way shape or form to create this video. All opinions are my own and honest as always. Some links posted above may be affiliate links which means I make a commission if you purchase the item.'
Tags: fashion , fresh , kylie jenner , simple , NikkieTutorials , Natural Makeup , kylie lip kit , every day , foundation routine , power of makeup , carli bybel , contour and highlight , school makeup , carlibel , bybel , mom makeup , high school makeup , carlibybel , carlibel55 , contour and highlight routine , 15 minute makeup , in a rush , givaway , small acts of kindness , natural every day look , makeup in 15
See also: