'*Had trouble adding audio for the rest of the video. Next video will be better quality* Hello everyone, I was requested to do a how I contour and highlight video with my Carli Bybel palette by one of my friends RosaLyNNTV. Check out my review for Freeman Beauty\'s newest collection http://hopethishelps0709.blogspot.com/2014/06/hello-everyone-i-wanted-to-give-you.html#links If you want to see my photo review for the John Freda Frizz Ease Flat Iron Spray https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=689610134416123&id=106551612721981 Things to check out: Use this PRECIO15P to get a discount on your box. https://www.graze.com/us/products Use this code BLOG05 to get a discount on your box. https://coedsupply.com Use this to sign up for an awesome fashion box. http://www.nadinewest.com/#_l_1f Sign up for an amazing food box. https://lovewithfood.com/?ref=Hor Are you new to YouTube? If you are then check out this page. https://www.facebook.com/NewVeiwsOnYouTube My Hubby\'s Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNTi... My Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hopethishelps/106551612721981 My Blog http://hopethishelps0709.blogspot.com/ My Shop http://www.ebay.com/sch/mydad *This is my BUSINESS Email ONLY* All other questions can be asked on Facebook. Thank you If you are a company please email me here -ppruner0709@gmail.com Everything in this video is my own. These are just my thoughts on the products.'
Tags: grwm , contour , highlight , Palette , carli bybel , holiday glam , Suttle
See also: