'Vancouver Fashion Week fall/ winter 2014 Part 3'

03:46 Jun 9, 2022
'Vancouver Fashion Weeks  BRINGS OUT THE BEAUTIES!!  VANCOUVER FASHION WEEK is a diverse and innovative fashion experience that features both established and emerging designers. VFW showcases award-winning designers from 21 fashion capitals on 5 continents across the globe. VFW has positioned itself as a highly successful and widely recognized event with over 20,000 guests attending the six-day event. VFW has built an international presence through worldwide and local media coverage.' 

Tags: Raymond Chan , Fotodigio , 名影集 , 6496638 , 7103939 , Vancouver Fashion Week fall winter 2014 , 陳碩峰 , 紅衫娛 , 娛人碼頭 , 温哥華時裝週

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