'Malan Breton, Fashion Designer Interview at Fashion Show - Style Fashion Week, Gotham Hall, NY'

08:53 May 11, 2022
'U\'r It TV Presents a MeyeRutella Production of Malan Breton, Fashion Designer Fashion Show and Interview with Stacey A. Meyer, Journalist and Anchorwoman at Style Fashion Week Event, Gotham Hall, New York City. Stacey A. Meyer, Journalist and Anchorwoman. E-mail: urittvstaceyameyer@aol.com Videography and Cinematography: Benjamin Rutella E-mail: urittvbenjaminrutella@aol.com Photography By: Stacey A. Meyer Photography E-mail: staceymeyerphoto@aol.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/urittv Twitter: @urittv Web Site: http://www.uriitv.com Web Site: http://www.urittv.net Web Site: http://www.urittv.us' 

Tags: beauty , style , fashion week , runway , Fashion (Industry) , fashion design (industry) , Fashion Show (Film Subject) , Fashion (Award-Winning Work) , style fashion week , New York City (City/Town/Village) , New York (US State) , Malan Breton (Fashion Designer) , Gotham Hall New York , Malan Breton Collections , Malan Breton Spring & Summer Collections

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