'Hi everyone! In this video, I will share with you my story of rediscovering the joy of drawing, especially fashion sketches. In the last year or so, art and fashion were my way to cope with stressful situations. In the meanwhile, I\'ve learned that it doesn\'t matter how good you are at something, but how much fun you\'re having when doing it. As people say \"time spent doing something you love is never wasted\". That\'s why I decided to create this video - to inspire you to seek your passions no matter what others say. I hope you never lost a passion of yours because you were told you are not good enough. If that did happen to you, I hope you will find it again someday. One of my triggers for change was this illustrative (no pun intended) TED talk: https://youtu.be/7TXEZ4tP06c Feel free to check out more of my fashion sketches here: https://instagram.com/created.by.aurora/ Thank you so much for all of your support in terms of liking, commenting and subscribing! You can reach me on my socials: https://www.instagram.com/its.just.fashion.aurora/ https://www.pinterest.com/itsjustfashionaurora/ Love, Aurora'
Tags: udemy , fashion sketching , fashion sketch , online course , learn how to draw , coloring book , learn how to sketch , coloring for adults , amateur sketching , retail detox
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