'● LINKS & SOCIAL MEDIA ● Personal Style Fashion Blog: http://TarMarz.com Never miss post & follow it on Bloglovin\': http://bit.ly/1NzmFMK LINKS: ShopTagr: https://goo.gl/j29Tsl Missguided coat similar: http://bit.ly/2fvpMI5 black coat similar: http://bit.ly/2fvrNEq BEAUTY: L\'oreal colour riche in \'nude obsession\' http://www.boots.com/en/LOreal-Paris-Color-Riche-Gold-Obsession-Lipstick_1876237/ Estée Edit by Estée Lauder Radiance Activator: http://bit.ly/2gorm3j Clarins gentle foaming cleanser: http://bit.ly/2fvspKe Victoria Secret Bra(20$ cheaper online for some reason): http://bit.ly/2fvfibK Netflix Favourites: The Crown https://www.netflix.com/title/80025678 Music: Kaleo : https://play.spotify.com/artist/7jdFEYD2LTYjfwxOdlVjmc?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open ●Instagram: http://instagram.com/tarmarz/ ●Snapchat : Tarmarz ●Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TarMarz ●TUMBLR: (to ask anon qts): http://tarmarz.tumblr.com FAQ\'s: Tara is a twenty-three year old fashion & lifestyle blogger / youtuber natively from Cork, Ireland and is a fashion graduate of Belfast. Camera I use: Canon 5D Mark iii http://bit.ly/1pFQOlq Camera Lens: http://bit.ly/1piadbD Ring Lighting: http://bit.ly/1piaag5 * Disclaimer: Some product links may be affiliate links, it helps me out! I do not work with brands I don\'t believe in, I will never reccommend something if it\'s bad/ill-fitting and I always choose any gifted clothing I recieve.'
Tags: new , fashion , Designer , beauty , style , guru , makeup , student , vlogger , nyc , youtuber , Asian , irish , blogger , york , uk , hauler , tar , ireland , tarmar , mar , northern , visa , Graduate , J1 , tarmarz , NOVEMBER FAV FAVOURITES 2016
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