'Audrey Hepburn Galaxy Chocolate Commercial'

01:01 Jan 23, 2022
'It\'s amazing to see how far we\'ve come with CG (Computer Generated) photograph and film as you can see in this new Audrey Hepburn commercial for Galaxy Chocolate. Audrey Hepburn, a British actress and humanitarian, who was also a fashion icon and a part of what many would call Hollywood\'s Golden Age, is recreated in this quite impressive commercial for Galaxy Chocolate.  Other interesting Audrey Hepburn videos include:  Its So Audrey - Audrey Hepburn was an absolute style icon from the 50\'s to 70\'s with her iconic fashion style and the effect she has had on the world of fashion.' 

Tags: breakfast , gold , COMMERCIAL , television , advertisement , coco , spot , none , IMG , Advertising (Interest) , audrey hepburn (celebrity) , Pt2 , Pt1 , Galaxy (Candy Bar)

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