'Want to see more videos? Click to subscribe: https://goo.gl/wsSTJf I finally got to see the fashion island Christmas tree! I was so excited to finally see the tree. I lived in OC for 9 years and never got to see it. I know! But here it is! I hope you like the video. I\'m thinking of also going to the South Coast Plaza as they also go all in during Christmas. I just don\'t know when I\'ll be in that area again. Anyways, enjoy! If you enjoyed this video press that thumbs up and if you want to see more apply pressure on that subscribe button. _ SOCIAL MEDIA SnapChat: YorickWeez Twitter: https://goo.gl/DPIl2w Instgram: https://goo.gl/w4OIEc Podcast: http://goo.gl/iUX0el YT Gaming: https://goo.gl/VvIQqR __ EQUIPMENT Camera: Canon G9X - Gopro Sessons Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC Computer: Dell inspiron 15\" 7559 ABOUT ME My Name is Rick. I live in Los Angeles California but I county hop back and fourth from L.A. to Orange County for my 9-5 job. I also host and produce a podcast that talks about all things movie, video games and tech.'
Tags: daily vlog , vlogmas , Small Youtuber , Orange County , vlogmas 2017 , Christmas Vlog , life vlog , December 2017 , fashion island , Vidmas , Fashion Island Christmas Tree , Fashion Island Christmas Tree 2017 , Fashion Island Tree , OC Christmas , Daily California Vlogger , Vloggo , OC VLog , The O.C. , Vlogging every day , seven minute vlogs , Vidmas 2017 , 90ft christmas tree
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