'YH catches up with Olympic figure skater Sasha Cohen in NYC just prior to her appearance on the runway for Subway\'s Red Dress Fashion Show during New York Fashion Week! She tells us how she first got involved with the event as well as her correspondent gig on \"Good Morning America\", and then we triple-lutz on over to the star-studded runway show itself, where Sasha rocks a gold medal-winning Marc Bouwer gown! Here, she reveals her celebrity fashion crush and how fashion played a role in her competitive skating days! Hosted by Carly Henderson (@woah_carly) and Baruch Shemtov (@baruchshemtov). Check out the Young Hollywood Store Here: http://shopyounghollywood.com/'
Tags: fashion , style , runway , SPORTS , new york fashion week , NYFW , videos , angelina jolie , olympics , Good Morning America , subway , marc bouwer , young hollywood , winter olympics , figure skating , figure skater , Carly Henderson , SOCHI OLYMPICS , Red Dress Fashion Show , Baruch Shemtov , Sasha Cohen , Sasha Cohen Interview , Sasha Cohen Young Hollywood , 2014 NYFW
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