'After putting foundation and bronzer on the back burner, and some experimentation, Nanny has finally settled on 5 or 6 products to create her WALMART SUMMER MAKEUP LOOK. She also shows us more of her recent WALMART CLOTHES HAUL and gives us another of her MINI FASHION SHOWS. Nanny’s strategy is to elevate an inexpensive item with classic accessories of her own to pull off “a Million Dollar Look” ! She also shares her collection of airy KIMONOS....a casual, comfortable everyday “go to” look for summer. Enjoy! ❤️'
Tags: No Makeup Makeup , Lifestyle , Cottage , aging gracefully , walmart makeup haul , walmart clothes haul , mini fashion show , A summer makeup look , No more foundation for summer , Accessorizing inexpensive items to look like $$ , Kimonos complete an outfit , Classic clothes for less $$$ , living Mature summer makeup , Gardens and birds , Shoes hats and handbags
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