'Hey it\'s GemzDesu and this is part 17 of Gemz and Alien Isolation. With the Androids going crazy, Gemz and RIpley are trying to get to Samuels to find out what is going on. Gemz has to fight a lot of Androids but Gemz is also known as the Android Terminator (according to Gemz). Gemz also presents the Gemz android fashion show and even when Gemz does get to Samuels... He plays games with his heart. Link to full Gemz Plays Alien Isolation playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTiwqjPSP3nXv4h1ORoN_jsLqp8qSERSL Hope you enjoy! If you did please like and subscribe to Gemz. Please comment down below and suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!'
Tags: gemini , gaming channel , alien isolation , gemz , gemzdesu , gemz plays , gemz play , asian playing games , gemz alien isolation , gemzdesu alien isolation , gemz plays alien isolation , gemz horror , gemz alien , gemz outlast , gemz xenomorph , gemini alien isolation , alien isolation playthrough , Gemz alien isolation part 17 , android fashion show , android terminator , quit playing games with my heart , firebending , thunder bending , fighting androids alien isolation
See also: