'Draping Fashion Design : 드레이핑 드레스 Dress Draping. 3D fashion show(Butterfly)'

00:17 Oct 30, 2021
'[패션 드레이핑 사이버 패션쇼! 2018, Butturfly Metamorphosis Series Work!] Dr.Modeliste Kim T has been Studying the art of patternmaking with Metamorphology(form change) concept.' 

Tags: fashion , Couture , draping , sewing , pattern , Fashionshow , 패션 , 패션디자인 , 패턴 , 드레스 드레이핑 , 원피스 드레이핑 , 원피스 패턴 , dress draping , ops draping , ops pattern making , patterncutting , modeliste , 드레이핑 , 입체패턴 , 패턴메이킹 , 모델리스트

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