'STAR WARS FORTNITE Fashion Show! Best Skin Competition! (International Star Wars Day!)'

'STAR WARS FORTNITE Fashion Show! Best Skin Competition! (International Star Wars Day!)'
11:37 Oct 28, 2021
'Today I Made a STAR WARS FASHION Show In Fortnite For International Star Wars Day!! \"May the 4th be with you!\"  Ghoulz: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkUpZKOMik8bWhqUF_kYLiw   

Tags: funny , fortnite , Star Wars , fortnite fashion show , star wars day , ghoulz , ghoulz fashion show , May the 4th be with you , fortnite skin competition , Fluxy , mehrked , star wars fortnite , star wars fashion show fortnite , fortnite star wars , fortnite star wars fashion show , international star wars day , fortnite in star wars , fashion show star wars , star wars day fortnite , fortnite star wars battle , fortnite lightsabers , star wars day in fortnite , Star wars skins

See also:

