'DUBAI VLOG: Int\'l Dubai Fashion Week Palazzo Versace | Jane Fashion Travels'

'DUBAI VLOG: Int\'l Dubai Fashion Week Palazzo Versace | Jane Fashion Travels'
17:39 Oct 16, 2021
'Jane Dubai Vlogs https://www.tauyanm.com Attended the Int\'l Dubai Fashion Week in Palazzo Versace! Designers from University of Sharjah, Apple Wang, House of hend, Emmanuel Haute Couture, Mursak, mouza Bind Drai, @iDFW, CLICK SHOW MORE FOR MORE INFOS! ……  Read full blogpost/photos here: https://www.tauyanm.com/2018/04/29/intl-dubai-fashion-week-in-palazzo-versace/ ___________________________________________________________________________  ►Follow my Socials Below for more Live updates: Visit my Blog: https://www.tauyanm.com Like my page: https://www.facebook.com/tauyanm Twitter @tauyanm: http://twitter.com/tauyanm Instagram @tauyanm: http://instagram.com/tauyanm  Anywhere else just search: @tauyanm  ____________________________________________________________________  ►Previous Videos: -LookBook Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-VP8rQXTv8&list=PLc5ei-pU-ZB82XxVIc6PLk9cJr_eks-UO&index=1 -Designer Haul Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z13w0p79uVc&t=9s&list=PLc5ei-pU-ZB_62h8OYfVBh7koa099OzvJ&index=5 -Everyday Smokey Eye Makeup Tutorial for beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNx-z55gRpY&list=PLc5ei-pU-ZB-_YFgg5swIYJX5Hp0jFC7N&index=1 -Travel VLOGs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kklwln88Uvw&t=21s&index=1&list=PLc5ei-pU-ZB_j6RsUZhddrxyDz_2bEa_u  ____________________________________________________________________  ►Music Not Mine - Song/Music Credit to:    ____________________________________________________________________  ►FOR SPONSORSHIP/COLLABORATION/INVITES/FEATURES/BLOG-VIDEO INQUIRIES  Pls. Contact me at: tauyanm@hotmail.com  ____________________________________________________________________  ►Video and Photos included are NOT PAID & NOT SPONSORED. All opinions/photos/videos are my own. Unless underwise stated.  ____________________________________________________________________' 

Tags: fashion show , dubai fashion week , huda beauty , travel blogger , fashion vlog , runway models , cfda , filipino vlog , visit dubai , dubai vlog , dubai fashion blogger , dubai blogger , filipino blogger , mo vlogs , lana rose , Palazzo Versace , dubai models , dubai videos , Runway Dubai , iDFW , models in dubai , filipino in dubai , dubai influencer , famous blogger , house of hend , mursak , mouza bin drai , emmanuel haute couture , apple wang , university of sharjah

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