'Art Hearts Presents The Black Tape Project Miami Swim Week'

'Art Hearts Presents The Black Tape Project Miami Swim Week'
00:29 Oct 14, 2021
'Art Hearts Presents The Black Tape Project Miami Swim Week #ArtHearts #ArtHeart #ArtsHearts #Fashion #Shorts #MiamiSwimWeek #MiamiFashionWeek #SouthBeach #Faena #Forum #FashionWeek #TheBlackTapeProject #BlackTape One day in 2008 I was a rookie photographer who was working with a model that suggested I use electrical tape on her for the last look. I honestly had no idea why she would want this but to make her happy I attempted to use this tape as wardrobe. Essentially I just wrapped her in black electrical tape! Mind you she looked like 2 Christmas hams wrapped in rubber bands when I was done! (I’d never show you these images!) However, it sparked an idea in my head to develop this idea. In the following weeks I asked a few models that I had worked with in the past to let me practice on them. That was the moment the designs started to evolve! Although primitive with a lot of trial and error, I remember thinking I was definitely on to something. I began to notice that the way the lines of tape would compliment the figure was unlike any wardrobe or fashion out there.' 

Tags: fashion , fashion week , Miami Swim Week , shorts , Bikini Fashion Show , South Beach , miami fashion week , forum , art hearts , The Black Tape Project , black tape , Art Heart , Arts Hearts , Faena

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