'Runway of Dreams at IU 2021 Virtual Adaptive Fashion Show'

14:24 Aug 10, 2021
'Runway of Dreams at IU is a college club representing the national Runway of Dreams Foundation. Our mission is raising awareness for adaptive clothing and advocating for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the fashion industry. Our 2021 Virtual Show encourages our viewers to ask \"What\'s the 4-1-1?\" on inclusion of the disability community in fashion.  To learn more about the national foundation, visit: https://www.runwayofdreams.org/  To donate to IU\'s Runway of Dreams GoFundMe, visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/indiana-university-for-runway-of-dreams-foundation?member=7113520&sharetype=teams&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer  Thank you!' 

Tags: mission , fashion , clothing , runway , inclusion , DREAMS , disability , activism , awareness , cause , advocate , adaptive

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