'Kim Kardashian’s golden corset, Cardi B’s sweeping red gown and Lady Gaga’s four separate outfits stole the show on the red carpet of this year’s Met Gala. The Gala was being hosted by Harry Styles and Lady Gaga and the exhibition\'s theme was \"Camp: Notes on Fashion\" which meant guests were being as theatrical as possible with their outfit choices. Some of the most extravagant outfits of the evening were seen on Ezra Miller, wearing illusion makeup, Katy Perry who shone bright in a light up chandelier outfit and Kylie and Kendall Jenner who showed up together in bright feathered dresses. Nostalgia was also a theme as Zendaya arrived in a fluorescent Tommy Hilfiger Cinderella dress and Kasey Musgraves came dressed in a Barbie inspired outfit. Report by Anna O\'Donohue. #MetGala #HarryStyles #LadyGaga #MileyCyrus #SerenaWilliams, #CelineDion, #KatyPerry, #KimKardashian, #LadyGagadress, #CardiB #KatyPerrychandelier #JenniferLopez #CardiB'
Tags: ENTERTAINMENT , kendall jenner , kylie jenner , red carpet , Nick jonas , kim kardashian , barbie , Miley Cyrus , karlie kloss , Priyanka Chopra , jennifer lopez , Cardi B , met gala , Celine Dion , katy perry , ezra miller , SERENA WILLIAMS , Lady Gaga dress , Katy Perry chandelier , Zendaya dress , Cinderella outfit , zendaya cinderella
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