'YEAR 2000 Y2K FASHION TRENDS. WHY MILLENIALS LOVE DESIGNER HANDBAG BRANDS & TOP LUXURY HANDBAGS OF Y2K. I was recently chatting to a number of you in the comments of another video, where we were reminiscing about popular luxury handbags from the early year 2000s. From the Fendi Spy, to Chloe Paddington, Dior Saddlebag and more… You guys made me remember so many styles I’d forgotten about, as well as remembering some of my own (horrific) Y2K fashion moments (Von Dutch trucker caps, wrap-around sunglasses and LOOOOW rise jeans) As I was planning this video it dawned on me: THIS is why Millennials love designer brands so much! You see, the early year 2000s saw a new movement of young influencers wearing designer handbags as an accessory – never before had I really noticed this. And not only were they wearing them, but you can really see that in many ways, the brands were suddenly creating designs aimed at the teenage/young adult market……everything was mini sized and in childish colours and textures. Beyonce to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton were making the designer bag an asset that you HAD to have. ---------// FEATURED ITEMS //-------- MY BLOUSE (really old from Karen Millen) MY LIPSTICK “Just Nothing” http://bit.ly/2UFHRIF ********************************************************************* Mail me ! Sophie Shohet PO Box 107 Virginia Water Surrey GU25 9BL UK ********************************************************************* // DISCLAIMER This is not sponsored. Some links to products are affiliate, I try and link to the exact item where possible but if it’s sold out, I will link to the closest similar item. Affiliate links really help me to continue creating YouTube videos. YouTube is expensive to do and affiliate links help me cover off some of the monthly fees associated with creating videos; from licenses to equipment etc. Items marked with an asterisk are NOT affiliate links.'
Tags: fashion , Designer , Luxury , high end , Luxury Fashion , fashion blogger , millenial , sophie shohet , luxury lifestyle , Millennial , Y2K , year 2000 fashion , millenials , luxury shopping , year 2000 , sophie shohet luxury , year 2000 designer handbags , year 2000 luxury handbags , year 2000 trends , sophie shohet bag collection , luxury shopping spree , FLUXURY , FENDI SPY , CHLOE PADDINGTON , LOUIS VUITTON MURAKAMI , DIOR SADDLEBAG , TOP LUXURY HANDBAGS OF Y2K , TOP MILLENNIAL DESIGNER BAGS OF YEAR 2000s
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