'My daughter Jina & I modeled some glam.spoon dresses for the Ruby Room auction. The were reconstructed from old prom and other formal type dresses. Tina (glam.spoon) does amazing work!!! And she\'s simply fantastic. So okay I lied, well not really - I just couldn\'t figure out how to incorporate pictures into the video. But you can check out some behind the scenes shots and the dresses Jina & I modeled here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thea_starr/sets/72157627678705281/ For more information about the Ruby Room please visit: http://www.rubyroomseattle.org/ (I messed up the website in the video) http://www.rubyroomseattle.org/ To check out more work by glam.spoon please visit: http://glamspoon.com/ Movie by me: http://www.theastarr.com http://www.facebook.com/AnOriginalByTheaStarr'
Tags: fashion , style , room , dress , university , seattle , washington , Hall , october , 2011 , recycled , ruby , auction , Reconstruction , Campion , rubyroom , glamspoon , Seattle University
See also: