'AK Patterns Kimberly Dress Sew Along Part 3: The Scoop Neck Bodice and Sleeves'

'AK Patterns Kimberly Dress Sew Along Part 3: The Scoop Neck Bodice and Sleeves'
38:50 May 5, 2024
'Welcome back to part 3 of the Kimberly Dress Sew Along.  I will be making two dresses during this series and today I am doing the scoop neck bodice with the sleeve. I’m making a few adjustments to the pattern, like fully lining the bodice (instead of using facings). Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below!  What I’m wearing:  Pamela’s Patterns Perfect T-shirt (boatneck from the expansion pattern): https://pamelaspatterns.com/104-the-perfect-t-shirt?ReturnUrl=LwBwAGEAdAB0AGUAcgBuAHMA and https://pamelaspatterns.com/107-new-necklines-and-sleeves-perfect-t-shirt?ReturnUrl=LwBwAGEAdAB0AGUAcgBuAHMA  SewKeyse 1 ¼ “ Knit Stay Tape: https://www.amazon.com/Ivory-SewkeysE-Extremely-Interfacing-KST1-25-IV/dp/B07JJLP2RX/ref=sr_1_9?crid=2W1NHYQWMAGUI&dchild=1&keywords=sewkeyse+knit+stay+tape&qid=1590616996&sprefix=sewkeyse%2Caps%2C372&sr=8-9  AK Patterns Kimberly Dress: https://akpatterns.com/product/kimberly-dress-pdf-sewing-pattern/   If you are so inclined, you can help to support the channel by buying me a “Ko-fi” (read as coffee) on my Ko-fi account: https://ko-fi.com/tomkatstitchery  I want to thank you all for continued support to help make this channel it’s very best! Don’t forget to follow me on social media so you don’t miss a thing! Blog: http://www.tomkatstitchery.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tomkatstitcherycarmel/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tomkatstitcherycarmel Email: [email protected] Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tomkatstitchery/' 

Tags: sewing , sewing tutorial , fashion sewing , sew along , sewalong , sew-a-long

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