'10 Summer Dress Sewing Patterns to Sew in 2021 | My Favourites and Free Sewing Pattern Inspiration'

32:12 May 1
'#Sewing #SummerDresses #FreeDressPatterns   Today’s Sewing Vlog is about 10 summer dresses to make in 2021.  My vlog includes patterns I’ve tried before as well as a few other sewing patterns I’m planning to make this summer.   1. Sew Over It Betty Dress https://sewoverit.co.uk/product/betty-dress-sewing-pattern/   2. Megan Nielson Darling Dress https://megannielsen.com/collections/all-products/products/darling-ranges-dress-sewing-pattern?gclid=CjwKCAjwg4-EBhBwEiwAzYAlsohJH7nbMdYE93fQJreRSiWb1cux-_Bln6INZYzI5XMeowHfkgJAqRoCJKQQAvD_BwE   3. Selkie Patterns London Dress https://selkiepatterns.co.uk/shop/sewing-pattern/london   4. Butterick B6556 - https://www.sewdirect.com/product/b6556/   5. French Navy – Orla Dress – free dress sewing pattern - https://frenchnavy.co.za/patterns/2282-2/ (hoping to make this soon)   6. Sew Over It – Doris Dress - https://sewoverit.co.uk/product/doris-dress-sewing-pattern/   7. Sew Liberated Hinterland Dress https://sewliberated.com/products/hinterland-dress-pdf-sewing-pattern   8. Tilly and the Buttons – Lyra Dress - https://shop.tillyandthebuttons.com/products/lyra (hoping to make this soon)  9. Sinclair Patterns Valley Knit Skater Dress https://sinclairpatterns.com/products/valley-knit-skater-dress-with-lantern-sleeves-and-other-options-pdf (hoping to make this soon)  10. Tilly and the Buttons Stevie Dress https://shop.tillyandthebuttons.com/products/stevie   Selkie Patterns London Dress / skirt / top previous vlogs:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZA8bX8SzN8&t=13s – dress review  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOu4oRzvZGc&t=19s – dress vlog  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ0I10lt5ms&t=3s – peplum top   I have listed below items mentioned in the sewing video.  Fabric shops mentioned:  Sew Me Sunshine: https://sewmesunshine.co.uk/  Birmingham Rag Market – not online (fabric purchased in person ages ago)  Sew Over It: https://sewoverit.co.uk/product-category/fabric-all/  Higgs and Higgs: https://www.higgsandhiggs.com/  Crafty Sew and So:  https://craftysewandso.com/  The Fabric Guys: https://fabricguys.com/collections/fashion-fabrics?gclid=Cj0KCQjwppSEBhCGARIsANIs4p7y-68rgAAIzc0cysUrZRwJR-dPDxUmiGV59lQHlikslcXoG5Qks6caAj1sEALw_wcB   What I’m wearing in the video: Sew Over It Betty Dress and ready to wear cardigan from Hell Bunny.   If you enjoy watching today feel free to leave me a comment, press the like button and subscribe to my channel  

Tags: sewing , free , diy fashion , iphone , free sewing patterns , sewing projects , diy wardrobe , sewing vlog , sewing vlogger , sew , sewing patterns , sewing for beginners , free video , sewing plans , sewing dresses , free sewing patterns to download , tilly and the buttons , summer dress patterns , Notes from the Sewing Room , summer sewing plans 2021 , Best Sewing Videos on You Tube , Sew Over It Betty Dress

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