'Africa Fashion Week: La moda \'afro\' pren El Born CC || Media 36 Tv , Fashion Week 2016'

'Africa Fashion Week: La moda \'afro\' pren El Born CC || Media 36 Tv , Fashion Week 2016'
01:39 Feb 12, 2024
'Fins diumenge 6 de setembre dissenyadors consagrats i emergents de la moda \'afro\' presenten les seves col·leccions a la passarel·la d\'El Born Centre Cultural, amb motiu de la III Africa Fashion Week. Més a http://eldigital.barcelona.cat/?p=233244   By : Barcelona.cat Subscribe channel Barcelona.cat for see more  : https://www.youtube.com/user/wwwbcncat ................................................................................. I\'m not taking any credit for the music. All credit goes to the artist (s) listed above. If any copyright infringement has been made, send me a personal message so we can sort it out and eventually delete the video. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------' 

Tags: fashion designer , fashion design , fashion week , fashion show , new fashion , fashion job , fashion style , fashion blog , fashion days , FASHION WORLD , men fashion , fashion 2015 , Fashion House , fashion and you , fashion girl , fashion games , fashion tumblr , Media 36 Tv

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