'Gladiator Ember'

02:55 Dec 27, 2023
'I came out with an Ember fashion frame that looks neat, so i made an entire video around it with her being a gladator that fights dirty.     Check my Discord for Sneak Peaks to new content or chat with other fans [Be Sure To Read Rules First!]: https://discord.gg/Jsx6K5x  The Dark Side Has Muffins (°∀°) IGN: superbot34   ➤WDR (Warframe Damage Rundown Tutorials): http://tinyurl.com/m8qk7ko ➤Warframe Discussion/Rants: http://tinyurl.com/l2oq2v5 ➤Darth.tv Skits (Original memes/funny videos): http://tinyurl.com/lscc7ql ➤BugFrame Playlist (All Bugs I Have Uploaded): http://tinyurl.com/hyw42ul ➤Darthmufin\'s Riven Mods: http://tinyurl.com/zxkyu3v ➤TennoCop Original Parody Series: http://tinyurl.com/tennocop   People Who Have Generously Donated Items To Me:  Donator ➤LSDbaitedConfirmed (IGN) ➤GalacticArtie (IGN) ➤Mrniko95 (IGN) ➤Niklas Drago ➤KhorCS (IGN) Donator Vandal ➤XstarsoldierX (IGN) Donator Prime ➤_Kishou_ (IGN) ➤WireED (IGN) ➤-Amaryl- (IGN) ➤Timythedarkside (IGN) ➤HadesgamingPL (IGN) ➤Dahx11 (IGN) ➤DameArstor (IGN) ➤Mixolli (IGN) ➤DustySpirit (IGN) ➤iM_iLtis (IGN) ➤LennyTheLennyFace (IGN) ➤Dzecar (IGN) ➤Tommy2341a (IGN) ➤DynamiteXD ➤SwoobatFanatic (IGN) ➤1N33DM0N3Y (IGN) ➤kerenskylegacy (IGN) ➤MrMako183 (IGN) ➤Fionntan (IGN) ➤xS0nico (IGN) ➤korndolorous (IGN) ➤KyberKat (IGN) ➤DivineDavidHoyle (IGN) ➤Yiusah (IGN) ➤Common_fruit ➤Inquizitor (IGN) ➤---SO---Crystallyser (IGN) ➤imperatum (IGN) ➤TheBaconMakinCreeper (IGN) ➤tonimacaroni (IGN) ➤DrDippy (IGN) ➤Caliboom (IGN) ➤Darth-Bulge (IGN)' 

Tags: update , top , best , weapons , build , warframe , meme , tactical , potato , feet , builds , claws , ember , Quite , grineer , claw , mogamu , deluxe skin , shallow , H3adsh0t , OriginalWickedFun , superbot34 , memesage , ember prime

See also:
