'teachingmensfashion has the worst dating advice i have seen in the new decade, and i have seen terrible advice, listen to him at your peril folks but do not ever cry that you tried everything when you fail. dude is awesome with fashion advice for sure, but she should stick to that, fashion and male grooming tips, advice given is so old, its like hearing a man from the 1960s telling you about about technology and what is the best tech to use in 2021. Remember to SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE AND LIKE THE VIDEO PLEASE https://www.youtube.com/c/BlackOxymoron/featured?sub_confirmation=1 you can follow me on twittergram https://twitter.com/BigQ_PUA #teachingmensfashion'
Tags: Teachingmensfashion , AMS , Jose Zuniga , alpha male strategies , alpha.m , matthew hussey , bad dating advice , winningwithwomen , ryan patrick , derrick jaxn
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