'USA Street Interview in New York American Fashion – SoHo Vol.12 I Spring 2021'

04:05 Nov 21, 2023
'We interviewed fashionable ladies on the street SoHo, New York, to ask about what they were wearing and why. Let’s learn what kinds of trends and brands are popular in New York!    Brands: H&M, Zara, Vans, American Eagle, Levi’s, Converse   Trends: Sporty, Fast Casual' 

Tags: fashion , beauty , tutorial , style , Trends , trend , usa , cute , beautiful , model , outdoor , interview , stylish , pretty , Apparel , New York , blogger , brooklyn , zara , levi , freelance , outfit , accessories , street fashion , converse , levis , h&m , soho , language , teach , american , photoshooting , blond , Athleisure , Vans , american eagle , outdoorsy , english learning , english lesson , English study , english course , new York life , Levi’s , NY life , Contents Creator

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