'There\'s too many tares in the wheatfield. Christianity needs SOME GOOD OLD FASHIONED PERSECUTIONS!'

15:09 Nov 9, 2023
'There are too many tares in the wheatfield!  Christians are too big.  They\'re blocking out Jesus =, the Light of the world, from shining to lost sinners.   When Christians are looked at as being scum and lower than child molesters by the world around them, ONLY THEN will Jesus shine brightly as the Light of the world, to sinners.  Filthy rich millionaire celebrity pastors, such as Dr. John MacArthur, whom I cannot even get to say a prayer with me over the telephone.  Much less to part from some of his millions to LET ME BORROW for medical needs.  Blood-washed, born again Laodicean hypocrite children of God, like John Calvin.  Sid Roth, Mary K. Baxter, Laurie Ditto.  If they are false prophets, and yet they truly have a heart for Jesus.  Jesus DID say to John, who forbid another casting out devils in His (Jesus\'s) Name, to forbid him not, \"For he that is NOT AGAINST US is ON OUR PART.\" Something\'s fucked up here, mates.  This is FUBAR, and I am enraged!  If ONLY Jesus, and God the Father and the Holy Ghost, loved me unconditionally, eternally, tenderly, ALL-y... THEN... I also need my three dreams - to be hot, young-looking, with the longer forearms, THEN I\'d have the best of both, ALL world!  If Augustine gave his life to Jesus, why did Jesus allow him to propagate a detestable lie such as Calvinism.  I gve my life to Christ, will He waste mine in such a fashion?' 

Tags: Calvinism , persecution , Desiring God , Laodicean lukewarm christians , Dr. John MacArthur grace to you , arminianism , Once saved always saved.

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