'This video is INTENDED FOR viewers 13 and up! Although it is not within our full control to predict who will view our videos, our channel was created with a mature, childbearing age or greater audience in mind. The high end silicone and reborns featured in our videos are made by artists all around the world and are very costly. They can be used for work in therapy for (but not limited to): parents of loss infertility dementia Alzheimer\'s depression anxiety OCD PTSD And the list goes on... WE GET ASKED THIS A LOT, SO I MADE A VIDEO :) (Click video link below): \"What To Expect When You\'re Expecting (a Silicone)\" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUPsBSeWo1c'
Tags: how to , collection , routine , asmr , Adoption , night routine , Morning routine , depression , anxiety , parents , Dementia , silicone , care , Reborn , parent , therapy , realistic , Collectors , fake , comfort , massage , infertility , alzheimer's , ooak , adult collectors , sensory , fake baby , Bipolar , Lifelike , how to parent , sillyconebaby , mental therapy , for work , touch therapy , parents of loss , stillborn , coping with mental illness , siliconebaby
See also: