'You have the right to remain stylish! Catch Tyler Breeze and Fandango make their signature entrance at WrestleMania in WWE 2K19! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow UpUpDownDown for daily episodes! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/upupdwndwn TWITTER: http://twitter.com/UpUpDwnDwn INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/upupdwndwn FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/UpUpDwnDwn MERCH: http://www.uuddshop.com/ EURO MERCH: https://euroshop.wwe.com/en_GB/xavier-woods/ ------------------------- AUSTIN CREED ------------------------- TWITTER: http://twitter.com/AustinCreedWins FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/xavierwoodsphd INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/AustinCreedWins #UUDD #UpUpDownDown #WWE'
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