'So I tried Jose Zuniga\'s 4 AM quarantine morning routine. I\'m a college student athlete, so I used his routine as my baseline for my Friday school day. Jose\'s Quarantine Routine: 4:00 AM - Wake up 4:30 AM - 1 mile run and 100 pushups 5:00 AM - Shower and change into (actual) clothes 5:15 AM - Eat breakfast and listen to audiobook 5:45 AM - Begin work day Make sure you guys subscribe to my channel and follow me! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsyaboyjaime/ If you aren\'t subscribed already, make sure you do! Two new videos every week! Music Provided by Chill Out Records on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi15uaLENj8&t=321s'
Tags: Lifestyle , motivation , quarantine , morning , inspiration , college , running , Teachingmensfashion , run , collegestudent , menslifestyle , morningroutine , josezuniga , collegelifestyle , quarantineroutine , CollegeRoutine , MorningRun
See also: