May 30, 2023
'is claiming that she is the main beneficiary of her husband James Haskell sleeping with 1,000 women in the past. The 33-year-old fitness guru has said that instead of pouring scorn on her former England rugby playing lover for his pursuit of sex in the past, she is celebrating that she is enjoying the results of his experience. James, 35, has had a \"very eventful life\" according to Chloe and she says she\'s \"fine with it\" as the former I\'m A Celebrity campmate pours his passions into their relationship. Speaking to The Sun, Chloe said that James has been with \"far above what your average would be\" when it comes to bed partners while she has \"a very humble number of notches on my bedpost.\" Chloe said that she was more of a \"relationship girl\" and had \"seven medium to long-term relationships\" while James confesses to only \"two girlfriends\" before Chloe, as he enjoyed the trappings of the bachelor life. Chloe admits that bed partners are still viewed differently with \"slut-shami ...'
Tags: i'm a celebrity get me out of here , james haskell , chloe madeley , Richard Madeley , Judy Finnigan
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