'Turn Open Outside Touch - Wall Work Drills - Soccer (Football) Training for U10-U11'

'Turn Open Outside Touch - Wall Work Drills - Soccer (Football) Training for U10-U11'
02:11 Apr 27, 2023
'Wall Work Drills are a combination of Static Ball Control Drills and/or 1v1 Soccer Moves with Passing and Receiving the ball against a wall (or two).  Many touches can be performed on a short time span in combination with technical skills which contributes to a continuous development of the player. All what is needed is a wall and a ball.    See also: - Turn Open Inside Touch (Wall Work Drills for U8-U9): http://ultimatesoccermovescollection.com/videos/ball-control/wall-work-drills/210-turn-open-inside-touch-u8-u9 - Inside Touch Turn (Wall Work Drills for U10-U11): http://ultimatesoccermovescollection.com/videos/ball-control/wall-work-drills/194-inside-touch-turn-u10-u11 - Inside Touch Turn (Quick Turns for U10-U11): http://ultimatesoccermovescollection.com/videos/1v1-moves/change-of-direction/quick-turns/197-inside-touch-turn-quick-turns  More Wall Work Drills: http://ultimatesoccermovescollection.com/videos/ball-control/wall-work-drills More U10-U11 videos: http://ultimatesoccermovescollection.com/component/tags/tag/5-intermediate-u10-u11  Tutorial:  When starting with the right foot: (Switch left and right below when starting with the left foot)      1. Stand behind the ball (ball in front of right foot).     2. Pass the ball to the wall with the inside of the right foot.     3. Reposition (jumping not required) to be able to receive the ball with the left foot.     4. Turn open to the left.     5. Take the ball to the left by touching the ball with the outside of the left foot.     6. Close in on the ball.     7. Position your support foot (right).     8. Pass the ball to the wall with the inside of the left foot.     9. Reposition (jumping not required) to be able to receive the ball with the right foot.     10. Take the ball to the right by touching the ball with the outside of the right foot.     11. Close in on the ball.     12. Position your support foot (left).     13. Continue steps 2-13.  Things to watch out for:      a. Don\'t stand rigid on the legs but flex the knees a bit.     b. Pass straight to the wall to receive the ball back at the correct angle.     c. Visualize the path of the ball and where the support foot should be positioned.     d. Step into the ball while touching it with the outside of the foot instead of just \'diverting it\'. This technique allows for a quick acceleration after the touch.     e. Jumping on receiving is not required but makes it easier to reposition fast.  About: Lars Schelfhout is born in February 2006 and lives in Belgium. He started his football career rather late as a U9.  Our videos are tagged with an easy colour code scheme representing the skill level and/or suitable age group. - Blue: Novice (U6-U7) - Green: Easy (U8-U9) - Yellow: Intermediate (U10-U11) - Orange: Challenging (U12-U13) - Red: Mastering (U14+)  New videos of 1v1 moves, dribbling drills, ball mastery exercises, ... are released every week. Subscribe to this channel if you don\'t want to miss them. https://www.youtube.com/c/ultimatesoccermovescollection?sub_confirmation=1  See all our videos and tutorials at: http://ultimatesoccermovescollection.com  Follow us on social media: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UltimateSoccerMovesCollection/ - Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Ultimatesoccermovescollection - Twitter: https://twitter.com/USoccerMovesCol    Music: - TimeTrain by P C III by Pipe Choir Records is licensed under a Creative Commons License. - Intro Prise Fire by Lino Rise' 

Tags: U10 , soccer skills , soccer training drills , football training drills , u11 , turn open outside touch , soccer wall work drills , football wall work drills , coerver training drills , U10-U11 , static ball control drills , 1v1 soccer moves , soccer passing and receiving

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