'I Got Scammed by Kylie Jenner!| Phira Phierce'

'I Got Scammed by Kylie Jenner!| Phira Phierce'
13:35 Apr 14, 2023
'OPEN FOR MORE INFO!!!     I didn\'t realize I was a tad out of focus! Also I forgot to insert the name of the glosses I had on at the end... Here they are in order also direct links at the bottom.  1. Like 2. Literally 3. So Cute    Colourpop Direct Link (Limbo): https://colourpop.com/products/limbo  Kylie Cosmetics (True Brown K): https://www.kyliecosmetics.com/products/true-brown-k  Kourt K: https://www.kyliecosmetics.com/collections/frontpage/products/kourt-k  Glosses  Like: https://www.kyliecosmetics.com/collections/gloss/products/like Literally: https://www.kyliecosmetics.com/collections/gloss/products/literally-gloss So Cute: https://www.kyliecosmetics.com/collections/gloss/products/so-cute   Follow me on social Media: My website: http://phiraphiercemakeup.wixsite.com... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phira_phierce/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Phira_Phierce Snap Chat: @phira_phierce Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saphira.delevry  Don\'t forget to rate, comment, and subscribe! Share this video as well!  If you have questions email me at  Phiraphiercenatural@gmail.com  For business inquires email me at Phiraphiercenaturalbusiness@gmail.com  Makeup Bookings phiraphiercemakeup@gmail.com  Camera Used: Canon T3 Editing: iMovie Music:' 

Tags: makeup , kylie jenner , kylie , Kylie cosmetics , like , liquid lipstick , kylie lip kits , colourpop , kourt k , Limbo , so cute , true brown k , literally , Kylie Lipglosses

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