'Hey guys! This video drove me nuts. I tried giving EA the benefit of the doubt that their m.a.c. makeup couldn\'t be that bad and boy was I wrong. Let me know if you guys like the look or should I take an L on this lmao Check out my boutique! Boutique: https://www.yourebeautifull.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shopyourebeautifull/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shopyourebeautifull/ ❤️ UPLOAD SCHEDULE ❤️ TUES: 3:00 PM (EST) THURS: 3:00 PM (EST) SAT: 3:00 PM (EST) ✨CONNECT WITH ME✨ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/heymalinaheey/ TWITTER: http://twitter.com/MalinaGames TUMBLR: https://malinagames.tumblr.com/ Don\'t forget to subscribe, like, turn on notification and leave a comment on what you want to see me play next!'
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